Due Diligence Works (DDW) provides compliance tools across the spectrum of regulations. As the name says, we are a due diligence company, and we put our expertise into all that we do. We integrated Reg BI and 401k Rollover tools with Docupace, so you only need to do things once. This includes ERISA plans data and Reasonable Available Alternatives.
Combine these tech compliance tools with industry-leading product and carrier due diligence; this is where DDW gets its competitive edge. For more information, visit www.duediligenceworks.com.
Docupace’s integration with Due Diligence Works helps you meet the demands of the Reg BI care obligations and 401K to IRA rollovers. When the Reg BI or DDW 401K Rollover form is included in a Docupace work-item, users can initiate the integration with the click of a button. This API integration seamlessly communicates between DDW and the Docupace platform to auto-populate the forms with ERISA Plan data, Reasonable Available Alternatives, and more.
Integration Benefits:
Non-standard integration fees may apply. Please contact us for more information.
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