Docusign announces integration with Docupace

Docusign and Docupace formally announced their partnership regarding electronic signatures availability now directly within the Docupace application. The press release can be found here: This is obviously very exciting and shows how the industry is much closer to realizing the ‚ÄòStraight through process” that we”ve been hearing about for such a long time now. Of equal importance in support of this, with this integration, we demonstrate how much closer we are to the truly paperless transaction. For advisors that have remote clients (which it seems MOST do), rather than mailing, faxing, overnighting documents for review and signature, an advisor can simply send these via Docupace/Docusign in a secure electronic envelope for signature. Once signed by the client (electronically!), those documents are automatically routed back to Docupace. From there, the work item enters Docupace’s workflow within the Broker Dealer and is completed electronically with the records ultimately even being transmitted to the clearing house. No other vendor is delivering this today.

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