Surveillance and Compliance

Automated, Alert-Driven Surveillance and Compliance Processing Solution

Feel nervous facing inquiry from auditors? Our Surveillance and Compliance solutions are the antidote to your challenges.

Compliance concerns? We have the perfect solution.

With rules-based, transaction flagging, and alert-driven auditing, your firm will make fewer missteps. And when facing inquiry from auditors, you’ll have the accurate information you need right at your fingertips.

Rules-Based, Alert-Driven Auditing and Compliance Automation Solutions

Arm your back office with rules-based alerts that meet your needs (because you write the rules). Plus, you can put important compliance processes on autopilot and arm employees with the exact documentation they’ll need when an auditor comes knocking.

Pre-trade, post-trade, and ongoing compliance support.

Digital trade surveillance

Let your team focus on high risk transactions with configurable, rules-based alerting.

Compliance on autopilot

Automate OFAC and FinCEN contact reviews, 36-month mailings, address changes, and welcome letters. Plus, set up trade- and account-level license checking with alerts to your rep if there’s a problem.

Audit ready, anytime

When auditors ask, reply with accurate data that’s right at your fingertips. The Surveillance and Compliance solutions have deep reporting capabilities to respond to the most complex request.

Ready to talk surveillance?

Ready to talk surveillance?